Storms Pass, Sun Returns


We want it all right now. I have been victim of this so much at times. Rushing the present to get to the future. Every single one of us at a bare minimum has a sliver of darkness in our lives. We all must remember to attempt to take things they come along.
Try and have patience when things are most difficult. Patience is not about waiting for something to happen it is HOW you wait. Attempt to never make a tough decision when you are in your darkest hour, storms pass, and the sun always returns. The most important thing you can ever notice is that you cannot control the weather.



Next Step Forward

Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 4.20.34 PMJust when things get hard, is just when they start to get good. Sure it’s hard to not get that job, to be told no, to get bad news, to go through transition and not know what is next. The good news is these things don’t define any of us.

Our peace is right beyond the armor we have built up from our ego. A need for acceptance can make you more invisible than you could ever imagine. Travel YOUR journey and keep moving one step at a time.

Worrying about the path to our future can paralyze us with fear, and fear can cause us to never start to do. Take your step forward get in your lane and DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Everything you could ever want is within your next decision, your next step forward. .



Everyone is going through something. There are ups and downs in every day, week, month, and year. The most important thing is we continue to put one foot in front of the other, focus on the present and the people close to us. Believe everything always works out the way it is supposed to. Throughout all of it everyone needs a release.

  • Music and writing have always been my outlet when the world feels like a tornado, but I recently took to painting. I love the meditativeness of it, the soothing calm of creating any expression that comes to you.

What is your escape? What do you use to ground you around all the craziness?